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Nomination for 2021 Fall Semester Starts!

We are monitoring the corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic and its impact. During the epidemic prevention and control period, in order to ensure the smooth nomination and enrollment of 2021 Fall semester, we would like to inform you as follows:

1. This non-degree program will most likely adopt online teaching for this whole semester. If your university plans to postpone or to cancel exchange of 2021 Fall, please let us know at your earliest convenience.

2. The nomination deadline will be extended from April 15th (the regular deadline) to May 15th

Coordinator needs to finish with the nomination link via

Tips to the Nomination link:

Ø If you nominate two or more students, please submit the link two or more times.

Ø If you have already emailed the nomination document to GEEC, we would appreciate your effort to submit them again with needed documents through the Nomination link. Your understanding and cooperation is much appreciated!

3. Online Registration

Online application deadline: May 15th, 2021

Nominated students shall complete the online registration via the link before May 15th, 2021. 

4. Calendar

2021 Fall Semester starts from September 2021 , and the finalized academic calendar will be released later here:

Dates about above-mentioned events are subjected to change and will be communicated later directly with your nominated students via email. Please kindly remind your students of checking emails and GEEC’s website frequently via

5. Course information

Courses information for 2021 Fall semester is not released yet from our three teaching colleges. Please check course information from previous semesters as a reference.