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  1. 选拔范围:全日制在读本科生或研究生

  2. 公司实习培训概况

PrivCoFinTech私人企业金融大数据领域全球排名第一,被称为“Bloomberg on Private Companies”,是私人企业财务数据和商业研究的领先供应商,拥有全球逾1,100,000+家私人企业的独家财务数据,服务的机构包括:Google、麦肯锡、贝恩、高盛、美林、甲骨文等。


 宏观经济分析Macro-economic analysis 

 大数据分析Big Data Analysis (using Excel, VBA, SQL, R, Python...) 

 财务报表数据管理Financial statements data conduct 

 财务建模和估值 Financial modeling 

风险投资,并购,潜在上市公司分析 VC, MA, potential IPO analysis 

私人企业管理探索 Private company management group explore

产业分类项目 Industry Classification Project

  1. 项目优势:

  1. 人才选拔要求:

Strong attention to detail, commitment to excellence, and ability and desire to learn quickly

Either currently enrolled Bachelor/Master's degree program or recently graduated with a degree in Economics, Finance, Accounting, Computer Science & Business, or other similar majors

 Strong written and verbal communication skills

  Knowledge of transaction multiples, M&A, private equity, and venture capital





  1. 2019年寒假学生实习反馈(部分):

A同学:“Perhaps the single greatest takeaway from my internship is that my opinion matters. I used to worry that being the youngest person in the room, my voice may sometimes go unnoticed. But as I started working with the group and colleagues, I found myself able to join the conversation and sometimes even lead it. I’ve learned to be composed and confident when talking to people older than me and make friends with them. And most important of all, don’t be afraid to take the lead. Somebody’s going to have the best idea. Why not me?

Surrounded by juniors and seniors, I opened my eyes to the world outside college. They broadened my horizons in lots of ways. From them, I learned a lot about the various career paths I might set on. And I was exposed to lots of interesting lifestyles. It was really a maturing experience.Thank you, Westartin, for enabling me to embark on this amazing journey.”

B同学:I’m so grateful that I was able to get the internship with all the above magical experiences that I will never forget. It taught me not only knowledge, but also cooperation, responsibility, and courage to stand up for what you thought was right. One of their staff told us, ‘You’re here not because you’re stupid, but because you’re smart. You’re smarter than you would have ever thought. That’s so true. I was so afraid of not being able to following others at first, but day after day, with their patient orientation and help of others, I improved so much and was feeling more confident as work is done one by one.

At last, I want to thank Westartin and Privco for offering an internship that was unforgettable to me. As a freshman in finance and engineering and someone new to the U.S. , I fell in love with New York and improved myself a lot along the trip. I hope it’s going to be more and more amazing to everyone whoever is going for this internship!”

C同学:This winter I got my first internship in my dream country---America. With four-week work experience, I got to know more about not only the company PrivCo, the financial industry in the USA, but also unique work and life style of New Yorkers. I feel fortunate to have my first internship in PrivCo. I am sincerely grateful to all the PrivCo staff for company and guidance they gave us, and to my colleagues from whom I learned a lot. I will miss the New York City, miss the America, miss my unforgettable winter vacation spent here. ”


4周 (备注:实际内容以上述模块为主,均是采用项目制的学习方式的正式实习,19年暑假具体实习内容将根据公司正在运营项目决定)






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纽约项目组老师:刘老师 021-5513777216621074079
